Topic numba three! (dating) see? I did the little non-threatning in parenthasis thing again! Just for you!
LUv docta's in the house!

Hey guys! (Oh and by the way, whenever I'm about to talk about boys, I'll add this little picture...tehehe)
Okay, so I know I said I'd do a little dating advice, so here it goes.

Now girls, we all know guys are crazy. Mostly about us if you're my age. But we have to keep are cool and grace when talking to boys because of the simple fact; boys are CLUELESS about us. So show how amazing we are to them!
1) Keep calm when talking to a boy you like. Make him think that you're an interesting person because you are! It's okay to be a little frazzled and nervous because they are, too!
2) Don't throw yourself all over a boy. It's creepy. Be mysterious so they want to get to know all about you.
3) DON'T BE CLINGY!!! Everyone knows that if you stalka boy long enough, he WILL get a restraining order on you. And I think that you'd prefer to be closer than fifty feet away from him.
4) Don't be a slut. Don't act like you're "ready" for anything drastic. (this goes for guys too so listen up!) Do you want to able to wear a white dress at your wedding??? What about your mister right??? Don't you want to share your first time with him/her and have it special??? And what about teen pregnancy and STDs??? NASTY!!!
5) Let/make guys make the first move (like kissing and stuff). It builds their confidence and makes them feel... Well like a man. If theyc are too skiddish or you don't like it, tell them!!!

Now guys, you all should know girls are amazing and you would be lucky to have one (unless you have a taste in a different gender, that's fine with me). Make them thing that. It makes us far more confident in ourselves.
1) Give us compliments. I don't care if your girlfriend is ugly or she's moody or any other problem with her. Freakin' lie! You know how heart breaking it is to hear your boyfriend has called you ugly or he gives in when you're in an argument about her weight??? No you don't, because otherwise you wouldn't do it.
2) When asking out a girl, think about her feelings. All you boys who think its okay to ask out a girl on facebook or texting is really sheltered. Grow a pair! Make her feel good. Make it romanticer than pulling her aside at recess! And be creative please! Because we have the power to say no, remember?
3) Don't you dare laugh AT us if something embarassing happens uless it is totally neccesary (especially if it's your fault). Just imagine if you just spilled ketchup all over her knew blouse. You could either...
   A) Laugh at her and high five your crazy best friend. Then she would have a major emo moodswing and kick your butt to Pluto, or go emo on you all, run to the bathroom crying, and begging for death after she cuts herself. She HATES you.
   B) Grovel at her feet for forgiveness and help her clean it off. Still be apologizing when you escort her to her locker to get another shirt. She adores you for being "so considerate and thoughtful" and introduces you to her hot best friend.
Which one sound more appealing to you??
4) Don't try to beat her at something because your "just competative" if you love her and want to date her, coming up to her after the big race shouting "Ha ha I beat YOU! Stick that in your juice box and suck it!" will not show it. Try you're hardest, (I don't want anyone not doing their best) but don't be mean about it. And if she beats you, let her gloat a bit, but compliment her. WE need all the confidence we can get. WE don't have testasterone to help us feel good about ourselves. WE got stuck with estrogen which makes us feel like worthless pieces of crap. WE don't need your help to make it worse.

So hopefully you have the full picture. Dissagreements? Tell me... yes I'm just wait for the angry calls from boys I know saying how wrong I am....
Self-esteme level down two points to 9/27 *sad yay*.
No seriously. Talk to me! <3 the luuv docta (aka Lux) 7/7/10