july 7th (hmmmmmmm)

AWWWWWWWWWW! look at cute little Beast Boy Kitty!!!

Hi ladies and gentlemen. Velcome to my layer. MWAHAHAHA!
This is another short one (not because I'm going to eat burritos, but because I just have no big news to talk about. Go figures).
  Well here's one thing. Do you guys have someone in your life who can't commit to anything? And not like dating in stuff. That's different.
   But someone who just says they are going to do something and they don't? I sure do! If you know who you are, I'm sorry but it's very annoying. If you say you are going to join student council, stick with it! Just don't stop going to meetings just because you think the instructor is a creep (unless you feel genuinely uncomfortable around them).
   Also, I was looking over my yearbook today and I noticed that some of the people who took up the most room in my yearbook signature I really hate. Not my friend or anything, but some peiople I think just want to annoy you by taking up unnecessary room! Plus some of them say random things like, I* signed here! and here! and here! Do you really need a whole page for that? No. And it's amazing how many people sign your yearbook saying, "I luv you hun!" and that's it. If you really loved me, you'd write an actual message, thank you very much!
Okay, now I'm ranting (Hey wasn't this supposed to be short???). Anywho that is all I have to say so scatter children! <3 Lux